
The Ninth International Workshop on
Power Supply on Chip

September 24-26, 2025
    Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea


About the Workshop

The ninth edition of the biennial International Workshop on Power Supply on Chip (PwrSoC) is scheduled for September 24 thru 26, 2025, to be held at Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. We warmly invite all of you to join us!

The Workshop is the leading international forum for the discussion of the challenges and opportunities in technology, business, and supply chain, intent on advancing the miniaturization and integration of power conversion and power management solutions. Program participants typically have a good balance between industry and academia from four different continents. The Power Sources Manufacturers Association (PSMA) and IEEE Power Electronics Society (IEEE PELS) are joint sponsors for the workshop.

Founded in 1946, Seoul National University is South Korea’s premier institution of higher education, renowned for its academic excellence and cutting-edge research. With a diverse student body of approximately 30,000, SNU has been at the forefront of pioneering advancements in science, engineering, and humanities, playing a key role in South Korea’s rapid development and global academic contributions. The PwrSoC Workshop will take place in the SNU’s Global Education Center for Engineers (GECE) located within the College of Engineering.

Organizing Committee

General Chair General Vice-Chair
General Chair
General Vice-Chair
Professor Jaeha Kim Professor Jungik Ha
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Seoul National University
Seoul, Korea
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Seoul National University
Seoul, Korea
Technical Program Co-Chairs
Technical Program Co-Chairs
Technical Program Co-Chairs
Professor Hyun-Sik Kim Dr. Rinkle Jain
School of Electrical Engineering
Daejeon, Korea
Nvidia Corporation
Santa Clara, CA, USA
Financial Co-Chairs
Financial Co-Chairs
Financial Co-Chairs
Trifon Liakopoulos Professor Jongwon Shin
CEO & Founder
EnaChip Inc.
Rocky Hill, NJ, USA
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Seoul National University
Seoul, Korea
Publication Chair
Publication Chair
Professor Sung-Wan Hong
Department of Electronic Engineering
Sogang University
Seoul, Korea


The Workshop features presentation and dialog sessions on advanced technologies with global academic and industry experts aimed at miniaturizing power management solutions through system architecture, circuits and topology, packaging, and passive components. The value of the Workshop has always been recognized as an event that brings together global academic and industry experts to formally and informally discuss issues to advance and commercialize power supply on chip technologies.

Technical Sessions and Members of the Technical Program Committee

PwrSoC is organized as a single-track workshop. Each session typically has four presentations by experts from industry and academia. The Technical Program Committee of PwrSoC 2025 consists of the Technical Program Co-Chairs, Professor Hyun-Sik Kim (KAIST, Daejeon, Korea) and Dr. Rinkle Jain (Nvidia Corp., Santa Clara, CA, USA), and 16 international experts.
The Website Program Sessions and Chairpersons list provides an overview of the sessions planned over the three days of the Workshop.

Partnership Options

Please visit the workshop webpage.

If you are interested in becoming a PwrSoC25 Partner/sponsor, please contact:

Jaeha Kim, PwrSoC25 General Chair at jaeha@snu.ac.kr
Trifon Liakopoulos, PwrSoC25 Financial Chair at pwrsoc23@enachip.com
